Now in its fourth edition, the Footprint Report describes EUROJERSEY’s responsibility towards the environment, society and people.
This report constitutes a presentation and assessment of the results achieved in 2023 and our strategy for upcoming future.


Being able to estimate our environmental impact with accuracy is the first step towards reducing it. Our Footprint Calculator allows you to easily and quickly calculate the carbon footprint of every single garment made with Sensitive® Fabrics.

* updated impact values according to the PEF 2023 study

Production inevitably leaves a mark on the world, but we have the duty and the responsibility to make this trace less invasive as possible.
That is why, in 2019, EUROJERSEY adopted the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) international program, which employs very specific and well-defined criteria to assess the environmental impact of the whole production chain. By embracing the PEF, EUROJERSEY upgraded its environmental performances and production chain control system, gaining several competitive advantages as well as managing to obtain complete product traceability.

If you don’t know your environmental footprint, how can you even think of reducing it?


Issued in December 2022 and relating to data gathered in 2021, the latest PEF certificate assessed the environmental footprint of EUROJERSEY and the improvements achieved by the Company compared to the previous two years.
The results concerning the production of Sensitive® Fabrics have shown a sharp decrease both in energy/water consumption and carbon emissions, obtained through plant and process optimization.

1 Source CO2 footprint of a medium-sized petrol car: Ecoinvent 3.6.
2 Source Pasta energy footprint: PEFCR for Dry pasta, v3.0. 18/04/2018. Environmental impact results refer to the production of 1 kg of dry pasta over its entire life cycle (including use phase).
3 Source Milk water footprint: PEFCR for Dairy product February 2020. The environmental impact results refer to production, including the use phase (operation of the refrigerator; washing of the tableware [glassware and cutlery], disposal of the packaging; excluding the cooking phase).

How much do we contribute to climate change?
This parameter estimates the influence of greenhouse gas emissions on global average temperature changes and their consequences on the world’s climate over a century.

To which extent are we responsible for the depletion of natural resources?
This parameter estimates the energy employed to make a product considering its whole life cycle and measuring consumption from processes. manufacturing and transportation.

What is the impact of our water consumption?
This parameter estimates the impoverishment of water resources caused by human activities carried out in a specific areas comparing water consumption to local water availability.

1 Source CO2 footprint of a medium-sized petrol car: Ecoinvent 3.6.
2 Source Pasta energy footprint: PEFCR for Dry pasta, v3.0. 18/04/2018. Environmental impact results refer to the production of 1 kg of dry pasta over its entire life cycle (including use phase).
3 Source Milk water footprint: PEFCR for Dairy product February 2020. The environmental impact results refer to production, including the use phase (operation of the refrigerator; washing of the tableware [glassware and cutlery], disposal of the packaging; excluding the cooking phase).